Towards the beginning, you may find it frustrating as you try to figure out how to position the bands and yourself in a way that is both comfortable and provides the right amount of resistance. Don’t get frustrated, with experience comes the ease of resistance maneuverability. There are several ways to adjust the resistance in order to meet your personal needs:
As a rule of thumb, the farther you position yourself from the anchor point, the more resistance you will impose on the bands. The closer you position yourself, the less resistance you will impose on the bands.
If you find that your post is too thick or high for your intended use, you can easily link two bands together by crossing them at their midpoints, so that you are left with a new anchor point and a lower overall resistance.
Another option to raise the band’s resistance is to reduce the band´s length. Try looping the band around your foot, bar, or post to shorten the length of the band.

If using one band provides you with a comfortable range of motion but is obviously too easy, add another band.

You always have different alternatives to choose from in how you perform each exercise. Grip attachments will change the feel of each lift. Inserting a bar will balance the resistance on both hands and looping the band around the bar will increase the resistance of the lift. Handgrips and ankle straps will alleviate tension on your hands and feet while lengthening your distance from the anchor point, effectively lowering the overall resistance. The door strap can be used to perform virtually any workout with most doors.